Pensions and Benefits | St. Clair College

College Contacts for Health Benefits and Pensions

The College contact person for retirees seeking information on pensions and benefits is:

Laura Carcelen - Benefits Officer
St Clair College, Human Resources, Box #39
2000 Talbot Rd, Windsor ON N9A 6S4
Phone: 519-972-2727 x4687
Fax: 519-972-2754


The Colleges have their own pension plan, the CAAT Pension Plan. They send out a newsletter four times a year which we encourage you to keep and they have an updated web site that was designed to provide information to retirees:

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Pension Plan
250 Yonge Street, Suite 2900
P.O. Box 40
Toronto ON M5B 2L7
Toll Free: 1-866-350-2228 (866-350-CAAT)
Local Calls: 416-673-9000
Fax: 416-673-9028
General inquiries:

Retired Members Newsletters at CAAT pension Newsletters.


If you maintained your college benefits after retirement then you will be with the CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Plan. The College Compensation and Appointments Council, called The Council, is the policyholder for all group insurance benefits provided to college staff and retirees. The current underwriter is Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

The web site for The Council has information on the three plans and costs and coverage of the plans.

College Employment Council
Phone: (647) 258-7700
Fax: (647) 258-7719
Mailing Address
20 Bay Street, Suite 1600
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2N8

Sun Life

Sun Life has a web site designed to provide you with information on your health benefit claims. You have to know your contract number and your identification number which is on a drug or dental claim that you made. Then follow the instructions.

Customer Care Centre (for Medical /Dental Questions)
1-800-361-6212 (8am to 8pm)
General Inquiries:
To submit claims online (vision/dental/paramedical)
Register at or call the Customer Care Centre

Mail your completed Sun Life Claim Form to the claims office nearest you:
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
PO Box 210 STN Waterloo
Waterloo ON N2J 0A6

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
PO Box 11658 STN CV
Montreal QC H3C 6C1

Additional Information