Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Communication Technology) | St. Clair College
Program Code: B699
Status: Open
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Four Year - Honours Bachelor Degree
Starts: September
Nicole Rourke
519-972-2727 ext. 4341

Program Overview

The Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Communication Technology) BBA (ICT) is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on producing business leaders who can facilitate and integrate information communication technology within a highly innovative business environment.

This multi-disciplinary program combines mainstream business management areas with a relevant level of technical literacy and skill. Information Communication Technology is a dynamic and progressive discipline that is the core of many sectors of business. This area is experiencing exciting growth and has become embedded in the global corporate landscape.

Business leaders of tomorrow need to know how to effectively use information communication technologies to enable change and promote effective business processes. Graduates of the Honours BBA (ICT) will possess a unique skill set giving them a competitive advantage in the job market. Employment opportunities may be found in many organizations including Business and IT departments within businesses, government, hospitals, manufacturing, educational institutions and financial institutions. Starting positions may include roles such as systems analyst, business analyst, business architect, project team leader or project manager. A sufficient level of breadth will be built into the program opening paths to ICT leadership positions.

The Honours BBA (ICT) program is a unique blend of business and information technology courses seasoned with leadership and management foundations. Students will participate in paid work integrated learning after the successful completion of the sixth semester that will integrate academic studies with valuable industry work experience and will support the application of classroom theory.

St. Clair College advanced diploma graduates from the Zekelman School of Business and Information Technology are able to transfer into the Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Communication Technology) degree program through advanced standing.

Program Highlights

This program is strongly supported by the positive result from the market feasibility research, as well as endorsements from major companies representing the information technology sector. These industry representatives cited four key trends impacting the fields of Business and Information Communication Technology:

  • Data Analytics and Specific Software Tools
    Computer technology allows organizations to examine large sets of data to obtain valuable business information and insights. Newer classes of technologies are emerging to collect, process and analyze big data resulting in a skills shortage related to data analytics and the associated software tools.
  • Mobile Applications and Wireless Technology
    The role of wireless Internet and Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) is expanding in all aspects of our lives. Business models continue to focus on wireless mobile applications and services in the emerging mobile application value chain.
  • Security and Privacy
    Protecting privacy and ensuring the security of personal and business data is becoming more challenging as organizations migrate into the digital realm of mobile,  web and cloud computing.
  • Cloud Computing
    Cloud computing involves centralized data storage and online access to computer services encompassing infrastructure, platforms and software. Cloud computing promises several attractive benefits for end-users and is changing how most companies manage their business.

The Honours BBA (ICT) program addresses these trends through a well-organized and balanced suite of courses, work experience and an emphasis on professional practice. The industry representatives felt that the proposed Honours BBA (ICT) program was timely given an ongoing lack of skilled workers that are able to handle these major trends. Canada’s Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) has extensively documented skills shortages in the sector, as well as increasing labour shortages.

The 14-week mandatory work-integrated learning (WIL) occurs during the summer after successfully completing the semester. Student paid work integrated learning experiences will be available in many organizations and sectors including public, private, government and non-profit organizations. Work Integrated Learning experiences may be outside the Windsor/Chatham area. Students are responsible for their own accommodation.  Students are responsible for their own travel and all costs of work integrated learning experience. Student work integrated learning is assigned at the discretion of the program. Students may be required to obtain further clearances for work integrated learning.

Students may undertake a work term in such positions as:

  • Research Assistant 
  • Assistant Manager
  • Communications Assistant
  • IT Assistant

Available Pathways:

Career Opportunities

Graduates will have a broad knowledge of business principles which will help them gain entry-level jobs in any discipline. They will have the foundational knowledge to entertain a small business startup.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the bachelor program requires at a minimum, an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent, six university or university/college courses at the Grade 12 level and a minimum average of 65%. Program-specific admission requirements are noted below.

  • English, Grade 12 (ENG4U or equivalent)
  • Grade 12 Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U or equivalent) OR Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U or equivalent) OR Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U or equivalent)
  • Four other Grade 12 credits (U or M or equivalent)
  • The  applicant must achieve an overall average grade of at least 65% in the above requirements. In addition, the applicant must achieve a grade of least 65% in ENG4U (or equivalent), with no grade less than 60% in the remaining courses used to qualify for admission.


The curriculum below is for incoming students:

Semester 1
Code Title Credits
Economics For IT Professionals
Business:A Changing World
Finite Mathematics
Introduction To Computer Configuration
Personal Wellness
Semester 2
Code Title Credits
Intro To Computer Programming
Introduction To Financial Accounting
Network Configuration
Technical And Professional Communication
Environmental Sustainability Advocacy And Stewardship
Semester 3
Code Title Credits
Management Accounting
Database Management
Organizational Behaviour
Principles Of Computer & Network Security
Critical Thinking And Argument Development
Semester 4
Code Title Credits
Bus Intelligence & Analytics
Marketing In The Digital Age
New Trends In Information Communication Technology
Solutions For Network Communications
Interdisciplinary Statistical Methods
Semester 5
Code Title Credits
Operations Management & Erp
Strategic IT Management
Business Driven Information Systems
Professional Negotiations For Success
Diverse Approaches To Work, Play and Leisure
Semester 6
Code Title Credits
Financial Management
Rich Media Communications
Integrative Bus Simulation
IT Law And Ethics
Choose 1 Degree Elective Course
Code Title Credits
Work Integrated Learning Internship
Semester 7
Code Title Credits
Global Business Management
Project Management In An IT Environment
Business Process Management
Information Communication Technology Capstone Project Phase I
Interpersonal Communications In Work And Life
Semester 8
Code Title Credits
Information Communication Technology Capstone Project Phase II
Leadership Foundations
Starting New Ventures and Managing Entrepreneurial Operations
IT Service Management
Choose 1 Degree Elective Course

Your Investment

The standard tuition and compulsory fees for the current academic year:

2024-2025 Tuition Fees  

For programs with Experiential Learning (Work Integrated Learning/Internship): Costs for accommodation, if needed, travel and related expenses are at the student's own expense. It is recommended for most programs, that students have access to a laptop or desktop computer while away from home during experiential learning periods.

Textbooks and other materials are in addition to Tuition Fees. Textbook prices may be found on the Bookstore website.

Please be aware that tuition and compulsory fees are subject to adjustment each year. The College reserves the right to change, amend or alter fees as necessary without notice or prejudice.

Program Physical Demands Analysis

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation, students must have successfully completed the specific course requirements of their program with a minimum program Grade Point Average of 2.50 in core subject areas and 2.0 in non-core subjects.

Pathway Information

The program also has an additional five pathways that you are able to choose from:

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO's)

Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Communication Technology) (Ontario College Baccalaureate Degree) (MTCU Code 80522)

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Analyze and evaluate Information Technology/Information Systems architecture, infrastructure, technologies and services to address organizational and business needs
  2. Examine new and emerging technologies and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses for use in solving business problems and improving information systems infrastructure
  3. Integrate project and time management with interpersonal, leadership, and team building skills in the planning, managing and leading of a business technology project
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in oral, written and visual communication through technical and non-technical ICT reports and presentations
  5. Incorporate researched quantitative and qualitative analysis with critical thinking and problem-solving skills to pinpoint and resolve problems in an organization
  6. Analyze, through cost and risk benefit analysis, various business strategies, goals and models aimed at achieving globally competitive Information Communication Technology plans
  7. Design, implement and monitor initiatives aimed at improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of processes and functions of an integrated Information Communication Technology project
  8. Contribute to strategic decision-making by applying advanced financial and economic analysis
  9. Demonstrate self-awareness, confidence and initiative in planning for and attaining personal, career and work-related goals within the context of a changing environment
  10. Evaluate business marketing strategies and assess their impact on the achievement of defined ICT objectives
  11. Apply critical thinking, analytical reasoning and conflict resolution skills to resolve differing or opposing ideas while working with groups, teams or with clients
  12. Analyze and evaluate the impact of economic variables, legislation, ethics, technological advances and the environment on the operations of an organization
  13. Research, analyze, and plan for influential ICT trends that indicate a need for personal and organizational improvement

Program Non-Core Breadth Learning Outcomes (BLO’s)

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Apply critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and written and oral communication skills in disciplines outside of business and information and communication technology.
  2. Examine more than introductory concepts of the humanities, sciences, social sciences, global cultures, and/or mathematics.
  3. Relate knowledge of society and culture, and skills relevant to civic engagement.
  4. Incorporate more than introductory knowledge of the distinctive assumptions and modes of analysis of a discipline outside of business and information technology.

Work Integrated Learning Outcomes (WILO’s)

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Function effectively and professionally as part of a work team in a business environment
  2. Propose adaptive and innovative responses to a variety of ICT issues and needs within a business organization
  3. Illustrate ICT processes and requirements of the professional working environment through integration of theory into practice
  4. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly as appropriate to the requirements of the position
  5. Communicate technical improvements, processes and enhancements in an accurate, clear and concise manner