If you're a post-secondary student in Windsor-Essex and are passionate about women in leadership, then you should consider applying for the 26th annual ATHENA Scholarship Fund of Windsor, which brings both prestige as well as a $5,000 Scholarship.
The ATHENA Scholarship Fund Windsor identifies and provides scholarships to post- secondary students who excel academically, get involved in their community and serve as outstanding leaders, while also assisting girls and women to achieve a better quality of life and reach their full potential as community leaders.
Application criteria is as follows:
- A student 18 to 30 years of age as of January 1, 2025.
- Interested in increasing leadership opportunities for women, enhancing the quality of life in your community, mentoring, team building and pursuing diversity.
- Presently enrolled as a full-time student (attending primarily during the day) in a post-secondary institution such as the University of Windsor or St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, and have spent a significant and substantial period (at least 16 months as of March 27, 2025) in Windsor/Essex.
Four students are selected as winners of this award, including one from St. Clair College, one from the University of Windsor, one from the University of Windsor Faculty of Law and one from any university or publicly funded college attended by a student who has spent a significant period of time in Windsor/Essex County.
Recipients must attend the annual ATHENA Scholarship Luncheon event, which will be hosted in the Fall of 2025.
This scholarship award is open to qualified individuals who represent the values of ATHENA International.
Applicants should:
- Demonstrate a community spirit that benefits people.
- Demonstrate a potential for leadership.
- Demonstrate academic and professional excellence.
- Demonstrate values that support the achievement of excellence.
- Be 18 to 30 years of age as of January 1, 2025.
- Be a full-time student (attending primarily during the day).
- Submit academic transcripts (unofficial transcript accepted).
- Submit three Referee Forms with letters of reference, one page in length, addressed to "Whom It May Concern" preferably from three different sources in confidence (family members excluded). See Referee Forms for instructions on letters of reference. a) Academic b) Character c) Community Participation.
- Provide a personal profile (no more than two pages typed in Times New Roman 12-point font single spaced). Indicate why you should be considered for the ATHENA Scholarship.
- Provide a résumé of no more than eight pages long.
Applications must be delivered or mailed to the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce office on or before Thursday, March 27, 2025, 4:00 p.m.
Application forms are also available at www.windsoressexchamber.org/athena or www.athenascholarshipwindsor.com.
If you have questions about the application process, please contact: Sue Zanin, Past Chair, ATHENA Committee at suezanin@cogeco.ca.