Being a newcomer to Canada can be a tremendously rewarding experience, but one that can also be equally overwhelming for people seeking employment.
That's the struggle Mariyam Dawood has faced since she moved from India to Canada nearly two years ago.
"I had a career back home and now, not working here, I'm alone. I don't know anyone. I kind of lost that confidence in myself. I was even very hesitant to apply to certain jobs," Dawood said of her job-hunting experience.
Back in India, Dawood worked in garment manufacturing as a designer and production manufacturer. But that industry doesn't exist in Windsor, and she's struggled to find an occupation that fits her professional portfolio.
She turned to Women's Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor (WEST), which provides the Empowering Women for Employment program.
"Being in this class made me realize I have potential, and meeting with people, networking with people, that is the best thing that this program has done for me," said Dawood.
Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the Empowering Women for Employment (EWE) program offers eligible newcomer women the opportunity to enhance their employable skills, build confidence and professional connections to support labour market entry.
The program's interactive training includes skill building in workshops including business communication, customer service, employment skills, public speaking, computer training, networking skills, industry tours, CPR/First Aid certification and financial security.
"They're eager to find a job," said Gloria Ledi, the EWE program lead. "They have so much experience and skills back home, and when they come to Canada, they soon realize they need Canadian work experience."
"This program offers ways to enhance your skills, and help them get into the workforce," Ledi said.
The program consists of eight weeks of training, followed by a five-week work placement.
The 17 peers currently enrolled in WEST's EWE program visited St. Clair College on Jan. 22, 2025, for a training session on 'elevator pitches' to help them build confidence in their skills and network with professionals.
One of those visitors was Anjie Kabbani, who moved from Syria to Canada six year ago. She lived in Montreal for five years, where she attended McGill University and studied Public Administration and Governance.
"I came to Windsor just to start a new life, to begin a new life," Kabbani said.
She was an educator in Syria and is also an English Literature graduate. She also owns a small business in crafting and creating memorabilia.
"I'm trying to gain more experience, meeting with professional people and employers. I now have the trust and the confidence to apply my resume in any organization that matches with my skills," she said. "I want to be a successful woman. I'm eager to be that kind of person."
During their visit St. Clair College, the group of women visited the Genesis Experiential Learning and Career Centre, where the seminar was hosted by Career Services Officers.
The Genesis Centre has been a partner in this program for two years, where Career Services Officers provide career readiness seminars for each cohort at their location.
EWE clients also toured the College and learned about different programs in which they can enroll to gain skills to help them fulfill their future employment goals.
"I decided that it's time to have a second career, learn something, switch to something else," said Dawood, who wishes to explore a career in Child and Youth Care or Early Childhood Education. "I think it's a pathway to enter the social work area, and then I would love to be part of one of these organizations that help you come up."
The Genesis Centre typically selects one participant from each cohort on an internship as part of the five-week work-integrated learning portion of their program. One of the interns from last year ended up applying for - and getting a job at the College.
Pat Papadeas, the Director of Academic operations at St. Clair College, said it's inspiring to see the women come out of their shells and gain the confidence they will need to enter the local workforce.
"I am endlessly inspired by their determination, resilience, and talent," Papadeas said.