Hockey is Canada's favourite pastime, and another season of giving that experience to youth for free is on the horizon.
Knobby's Kids is kicking off its seventeenth season of the Hockey and Skating program on Dec. 7, 2024, running every Saturday until March - weather dependent - at Windsor's Lanspeary Lions Outdoor Rink, located at 1250 Langlois Ave.
The St. Clair College Alumni Association is once again giving $6,000 to offset insurance costs and rink rental fees. Generous donations from the community ensures the experience continues to be free for participating youth, complete with necessary gear and equipment.
"You can be an expert skater or fall one hundred times - it doesn't matter. The point of Knobby's Kids is to break down financial barriers and give kids a chance to be kids, playing a game that should be a rite of passage," said Belinda Bulhoes, the President of the St. Clair College Alumni Association. "That's a cause the St. Clair College Alumni Association is more than happy to get behind because it aligns with the College's values of transforming lives and strengthening communities."
"Every time we need something like small skates or large helmets, the community comes through," said Marty Kerester, the lead volunteer with the program. "I want to thank St. Clair College for all they do for us. It's been outstanding, and the community comes through."
Knobby's Kids is geared toward youth aged 5 to 14. Older kids, aged 13 to 16, may be eligible to play with Knobby's Kids Seniors. The most important thing is that it's a chance for every kid to play, regardless of their skill level.
"We don't turn down anybody, so whoever wants to learn to play hockey, they're invited," said Kerester.
Knobby's Kids, established in 2006 by Robert "Knobby" Knudsen, Jerry Slavic, and Frank Spry, addresses the need for a free hockey and skating program for children who face financial barriers to participating in organized hockey leagues or learning how to skate. This initiative gives the youth that opportunity in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Despite the unfortunate passing of the program's founders, their legacy lives on through the dedication of Kerester and community volunteers who are now managing and running the program.
The team at Knobby's Kids is looking for more help from the community by way of second-hand donations, such as skates, padding and sticks to lend out to visiting players looking to learn some skills.
To register for the program or to contribute by donating used or new skates or hockey equipment, please contact play@knobbyskids.com.