St. Clair College's Community Integration through Cooperative Education (CICE) program has achieved another milestone in its development of dynamic field placement opportunities.
Caesar's Windsor, Windsor-Essex's second largest employer, piloted a field placement program for CICE students in Winter 2024; placements were developed in the fields of Culinary, Human Resources and Environmental Services.
Over a period of 6 months, both Caesar's Windsor and CICE - with support of its Chair, Biagio Lattuca - worked in developing meaningful placement opportunities in this world-renowned company.
Every aspect of the field placements was developed from the ground up. Caesar's Human Resources Team responded to the needs of students with exceptionalities by developing training modules in video and pictorial format, selecting staff to work alongside students, and issuing lanyards. No detail was too small or too large to work through.
The cornerstone of the CICE Program is its field placement courses, and for many employers, their first experience in having individuals with developmental disabilities in their workforce is with the CICE Program. Having Caesar's Windsor open its doors to field placement opportunities for all has been an exceptional milestone.
Student Testimonials:
"The people there and the work environment was great! Everyone was so nice, and I learned a lot!" - Dimitri (Kitchen)
"It's good at Caesar's. I was happy working there. I liked working with the staff at Caesars's." - Saliba (Restroom Cleaning)
"I liked that I was able to work at my own pace as well as interacting with my co-workers. Overall, the experience was fun, insightful, and very educational." - Dan (Human Resources)
If you, or someone you know, has a company looking to expand their workforce or host placement opportunities for CICE students, please email the CICE Team at CICE@stclaircollege.ca.