On Thursday, November 23, 2023, Pre-Health Science Graduates (who are now current students School of Nursing and School of Health Science students) Kyle Ellis (1st year paramedic student), Vanessa Baker (1st year BScN student), Kathlene Childs (2nd year RPN student), and Tiffany Robinson (1st year BScN student), came to speak to current pre-health students at the Chatham Pre-Health Pathway Information Session. The students answered questions from our currents students on various topics ranging from tricks on how to study, their favorite current class in their program, and what they learned the most from pre-health. The current pre-health students were able to get real life advise from previous pre-health students that was invaluable.
Vanessa and Tiffany were the 2022-2023 Pre-Health Faculty Academic and Student Leadership Award winners.