Legislation & Business Ethics | St. Clair College
Course Code
Course Credit

The purpose of this course is to explore in detail the impact of all legislation relevant to the employer managing any people with injuries, restrictions, and permanent impairment including understanding each parties' roles, responsibilities, program implementation, social responsibilities, professionalism and etiquette, etc. The focus of this course is on duty to accommodate and due diligence from the 4 perspectives:, employer, injured worker, social and medical communities. The legislation would include such pieces as ESA, Bill C-45, OHSA, WSIA, Bill 168, Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms, Human Rights Code, Due Diligence, Duty to Accommodate, Harassment, etc. Differences in legislation between different geographical locations within Canada, North America, and globally and how these differences impact the development and implementation of programs and policies in HR at various levels of management in a corporation (local vs international vs global). This course will build on the Business ethics & business law as is already in the HR program focusing specifically on injuries and restrictions.